Connecting with the Divine, with Rabbis Andrea Cohen Kiener & Natan Margalit
Teachings on Spiritual Practice and Wisdom for Life from Sefer Derekh HaMelekh, by Rabbi Kalanymous Kalman Shapira
Derekh HaMelekh— “The Royal Road”—is a collection of Shabbat and holiday teachings by Reb Kalanymous Kalman Shapira, who was the “Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto” as well as a major spiritual leader before the war. These teachings are deeply informed by Jewish tradition, psychological insights and the Rebbe’s own spiritual search. The wisdom he shares is multi-faceted and stunningly contemporary. He sheds light on current paradigm-shift thinking, meditation and radical concepts of God.
Over five sessions, Rabbis Andrea Cohen Kiener and Natan Margalit work together to share selections. Each session includes an introduction to the main ideas of the Rebbe as they emerge in that week’s selection, a close reading of portions of the selection and a discussion about applications, insights and questions garnered from the reading. Topics include: Developing the Intuitive Mind, The Value of Wholeness, Transcending Opposites to Reach Unity, Leadership and Vulnerability, the Ladder of Prophecy and more. Handouts will be made available with the recordings.
Buy here – $27 members / $36 non-members. Best value!
- SESSION 1 | April 19, 2018 | Download here – the first session is free!
- SESSION 2 | April 26, 2018 | Buy here – $8 members / $12 non-members
- SESSION 3 | May 3, 2018 | Buy here – $8 / $12
- SESSION 4 | May 10, 2018 | Buy here – $8 / $12
- SESSION 5 | May 17, 2018 | Buy here – $8 / $12