Organic Torah’s First Year: Looking Back and Looking Forward
This first year of Organic Torah we put together a lot of the groundwork and infrastructure that will stand us in good stead as we move forward. We incorporated in Massachusetts, got our website up and started blogging. We have gathered an amazing group of people for our Advisory Board and now that we are fiscally sponsored by Nishmat Chayyim we may receive tax deductible donations.
The blog has reached thousands of people as it gets shared with friends and passed it along to colleagues. Our subscriber list is steadily growing. Rabbi Natan has cross-blogged on Hazon’s Jew and the Carrot blog and his posts have been included in the Jewish Writing Project blog.
Rabbi Natan taught in various settings, such as the Hazon Food Conference and the Teva Seminar, as well as synagogues, Hillels and private homes, introducing the concepts behind Organic Torah and involving people in thought provoking dialogue. He also is actively collaborating with other organizations locally and nationally, working with Ganei Beantown, the Boston Jewish Community Gardens project, local synagogues and also TorahTrek on their Guides program. We’ve started working with families and individuals on an alternative bar and bat mitzvah trainings and family Jewish education.
In the coming year we are committed to continuing the regular blog posts and reaching an even wider audience. We will continue and expand our family Jewish education and alternative bar and bat mitzvah trainings as well as continued teaching in synagogues, HIllels, conferences and homes.
In addition we are developing new programs including workshops which fully integrate experiential and intellectual modes of learning. This is one of the central claims of Organic Torah: we no longer need to separate rigorous intellectual pursuit from deep feeling, creativity and intuition. In these workshops we will show you how that looks and feels. Stay tuned and be in touch!
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