
Published on April 30th, 2019 | by Erin Taylor


Pattern, Paradox, and Divine Sparks

It’s a cloudy spring day and I’m walking in a forest with my 3-and-a-half-year-old son Nadav, on the lookout for frogs. It’s not even a big forest, just a few acres that the developers didn’t get to. Maybe the little stream was too much trouble to work around, maybe there were zoning laws keeping this forest off limits. Nothing special. A mossy fallen log is crumbling and becoming part of the forest floor. The light filters through leaves and branches in a play of shadows. Mud is squishing in the toes of my sandals.

Nadav points out the skunk cabbage’s huge leaves and decides to use one to wrap up a bunch of mud to take back for I-dare-not-guess-what purpose. It’s nothing special, but it’s enough to calm my mid, awaken my heart, even for a few minutes. And Nadav is never in a better mood than when he’s looking for frogs in a creek… [Download to continue reading]

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