Reading the Rabbis: Pirkei Avot with Commentaries
Dates: August 11, 18, 25 and September 1
Time: 7:00-8:30 pm ET (4:00-5:30 pm PT)
Cost: $118
Led by: Rabbi Dr. Natan Margalit
In this class we’ll dive into one of the most beloved of rabbinic writings, Pirkei Avot, which focuses on the development of ethical qualities. The goal of these classes is to help students improve their reading skills in Rabbinic Hebrew. Everyone will have a chance to read out loud (if they want), to prepare on their own and get feedback and to learn together with the class about the language and thought of the ancient and medieval rabbis. Since reading these texts is not only about technical skills but also about interpretation, we’ll also discuss the content and ideas as they come up. We’ll focus on the classical medieval commentators, but also take a look at the famous commentary of the Maharal of Prague whose approach to Pirkei Avot is unique and fascinating. This class is best for students with some Hebrew reading background who wish to improve their reading ability. We’ll explore areas such as learning some Aramaic terms which come into Hebrew in the rabbinic writings and learning to read without vowels, pacing our study according to students’ needs. AOP students may combine this class with further study to receive AOP credit.