Register for Fall Beit Midrash! Rabbinic Texts: Tractate Mo’ed Katan
In this class we will explore the small tractate Mo’ed Katan. This tractate of the Talmud covers the intermediate days of the holidays, but in fact it is the place where the Sages delve into the practices and theology around death and mourning. We will focus first on the Mishnah, with its deep structure and patterns, and then move to the intricate discussions of the Gemara.
Classes will be recorded, and class discussions and announcements will be through a private Google group.
Wednesdays, 8:45-10:15am, Oct. 2 through Dec. 11. Dec. 18 will be a makeup date if necessary.
Classes will take place at Temple Beth Zion, 1566 Beacon St., Brookline.
Cost: $450 ($400 if you pre-register and pre-pay by September 18).
If you can’t be there in person, you may get audio recordings + Google group membership only for $200.
To register, e-mail Natan at See you in class this fall!