Song of Songs in the Rabbinic and Mystic Imagination
Instructor: Rabbi Natan Margalit, PhD.
Dates: March 24, 31, April 7, 28; May 5, 2022 (5 session)
Day and Time: Thursdays 7-8:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: On-line via Zoom
Fee: $135
In this class we will gain skills and practice in reading Midrash, Talmud as well as some Zohar and other mystical texts in the original languages (Hebrew and Aramaic). This class is for those who already have some Hebrew and wish to gain more skills including: some basic Aramaic vocabulary, used in the Zohar and in many rabbinic texts, reading without vowels, reading Rashi script, learning some common “roshei tevot” (acronyms, abbreviations) and how to put it all together into making sense of these fascinating texts. The Song of Songs is one of the most beautiful and also most inscrutable of all the biblical books. Its poetry and imagery inspired Rabbi Akiva to compare it to the Holy of Holies. No wonder it nourished the imagination of both the early rabbinic sages and the later kabbalists and mystics. Students will have an opportunity to develop their skills starting from where they are, using “hevruta” learning partners, as well as sharing and supporting one another in the (virtual) classroom setting.
Interested in more learning with Rabbi Natan? Check out “The Puzzle of Pesach” here, or register for both classes at once here!