Sponsor Organic Torah’s Team and Support “The Torah of Food”
You may be familiar with Hazon, the environmental organization synonymous with bike rides across New York, the US and Israel. These bike rides support Hazon’s year-round food programs and build funds for cool environmental projects.
This year Organic Torah has been earmarked to receive grant support from Hazon if we build a team to ride in this year’s NY Ride and Retreat and get enough people to sponsor our ride! Can you help? Here are two simple ways:
- Join our team (and get a $75 discount on registration fees by putting in the code: organictorah), or
- Sponsor our team with a donation
This year our ride is dedicated to “The Torah of Food: Jewish Wisdom for Feeding the Whole Family,” a project we’re excited to introduce to you.
If it were simple to feed ourselves and our families well, we would all just do it, and a whole industry of quick-fix food advice would be out of business. People, especially Jews, have complicated relationships with food and yearn for creative ways to explore those relationships. In the interactive “Torah of Food” workshops, we will draw from Jewish wisdom and modern insights to make eating a healthier and holier experience for individuals and their families. From the practical to the mystical, this journey into the Torah of Food will help build healthier and stronger Jewish communities in the Boston area.
All we need to do is get 4 more riders on our team in order to receive the mini-grant that will help Organic Torah help young families and individuals to learn healthy, delicious and ethical food choices and to connect these with Jewish teachings and core values.
It’s pretty simple. Just know that by joining (don’t forget the code: organictorah for a discount!) or sponsoring our team your contributions go to building healthier and more sustainable communities in the Jewish world and beyond!