The Royal Road to Relational Spirituality
This is a 10 session course taught in 2019.
Click here to purchase full course recordings.
Click here for a free download of first session.
Derekh HaMelekh— “The Royal Road”—is a collection of Shabbat and holiday teachings by Reb Kalanymous Kalman Shapira, who was the “Rebbe of the Warsaw Ghetto” as well as a major spiritual leader before the war. These teachings are deeply informed by Jewish tradition, psychological insights and the Rebbe’s own spiritual search. The wisdom he shares is multi-faceted and stunningly contemporary. He sheds light on current paradigm-shift thinking, meditation and radical concepts of God.
Sample topics include:
- “Wholeness and Prophecy”
- “The Gift of Time”
- “The Prophecy School”
- “It’s Not about Me”
- Weekly Parsha Study
Purchase of this course includes audio recordings of all class sessions and PDFs of original translations and commentaries.
Support Our Work! Course download is included with purchase of a 2020 Organic Torah Membership
Regular Annual Membership– $90
Affordable Annual Membership- $54
Purchase of Course (Membership not Included) – $36
Course is free for current 2020 Organic Torah members