Two Upcoming Events
Check out these two upcoming events in the community!
Rainbow Day Next Week: May 30-31 / 27 Iyyar
Rainbow Day is next week, the anniversary of the date when Noah, his family, and the animals left the ark and received the rainbow covenant. It’s a special opportunity to reflect on and celebrate our covenant with all life.
Go to for lesson plans, prayers, project ideas that will work for families, schools, and synagogues. There are great resources for use anytime, developed by a confederation of Jewish environmental organizations. And there are even songs/prayers/Torah that you can add to a service or classroom that take only five minutes and are fun and meaningful.
Please take a look. You’ll find something you like, guaranteed! And if you’re not doing any events on the actual Rainbow Day (May 31) or Yom Yerushalayim, then make it part of Shabbat.
Check out:
Rabbi Natan Margalit & Friends Teaching at Brookline Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Come to the Tikkun Leil Shavuot taking place at Congregation Kehillath Israel in Brookline, MA! It’s June 7-8, 8:30pm to 4am. Check out the website for information here — and keep checking back in the next several days as official class schedules are being added. Be sure to check out these great classes!
Rabbi Natan Margalit teaching
“The Wheat-Knowledge Nexus: Experiments in Textual Play”
Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah, and also the wheat harvest. Is there a connection? Was the Tree of Knowledge actually wheat? What is the wheat-knowledge nexus? Together we’ll juggle and juxtapose some texts. Not metaphorically, we’ll really juggle and juxtapose texts! We’ll eat some wheat, and we’ll taste the torah that comes to us this Shavuot night. Natan is founder and president of Organic Torah, an educational non-profit organization that seeks to connect the Tree of Knowledge to the Tree of Life.
Ilana Margalit teaching
“The Torah of Feeding Oneself”
At Sinai everyone heard exactly the torah that they needed for their own lives. We need to find our own torah and few things affect our physical, emotional and spiritual being more than what we consume. An interactive exploration of how to nourish ourselves so that we feel clear, energetic, and balanced, open to receiving Torah meant uniquely for each of us. Ilana holds a Master’s of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is a nourishment counselor, acupuncturist and herbalist and has a private practice in Newton.
Jeremy Sher teaching
“Living Birkat Hamazon”
Together and in chevruta, we’ll explore the connections among V’Achalta (You Shall Eat / Food Awareness), V’Savata (You Shall Be Satisfied / Knowing When It’s Enough), and Uverachta (You Shall Bless / Giving Thanks). Or, how to get in shape and help the Earth through study. Plus, get your free copy of Jeremy’s manuscript bentcher with discussion topics and original singable English! Jeremy attends Temple Beth Zion and has also been active at Congregation Eitz Chayim; he also serves as treasurer of Organic Torah.