Old Habits, New Opportunities
We are creatures of habit. Mostly, that’s a good thing. I almost never forget to brush my teeth, close the windows and lock the doors before I go to bed at night. In the morning I can almost sleep walk while I make my favorite breakfast (fried rice, sardines and kale… I know, it’s not a classic breakfast like cereal and milk, or eggs and toast, but I like it and the kids like it, too. My wife, not such a big fan of sardines…) But, as much as those habits help us stay on an even keel, too much habit can keep us from changes that we want to make.
As we enter September and we approach the Days of Awe, I know that I start to feel both an excitement and also a little bit of anxiety: what am I really going to do differently this year? How can I start now to lock in some changes that I want to make in my life? How can I set myself up for success in living the life that calls to me from my soul-not just the life that is about keeping my head above water, paying the bills and getting by on my old habits?
One thing that I know will be different for me this year is that I’ve committed to putting Organic Torah on the front burner as an active, ground breaking educational resource. Just to name one thing we’ve committed to: we have put in place a plan for eight webinars over the course of the year. These webinars will aim to accomplish two goals. First, they will give people a sense of what Organic Torah is about. Organic Torah’s message of re-encountering Judaism and the world by seeing it as an organic whole, emphasizing relationships more than things, doesn’t stop when we step outside the synagogue. In these webinars we’ll learn how Organic Torah relates to a new vision of health, to saving the planet’s environment, to systems thinking that improves organizations large and small, and more. And, second, we’ll be building our Organic Torah community. An essential part of seeing the world as connected is starting to bring connections back into our own lives. That sense of connection starts with Organic Torah.
We are very excited about our first Organic Torah webinar, “Body Wisdom, Integrative Medicine and Organic Torah,” which will take place on November 8, 12:00pm – 1:15 pm Eastern time. We’ll be talking with Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, author of four books, including Body Wise: Discovering Your Body Intelligence for Lifelong Health and Healing, an award winning physician specializing in integrative medicine and sought after speaker. Check out her website at: doctorrachel.com/.
All of our webinars will take place either at 12:00 – 1:15 pm Eastern or 8:00 – 9:15 pm Eastern time. We’ll be announcing the next webinar dates and times as well as the techy details (nothing difficult!) soon. In order to participate in the live, real-time webinars you need to join us as a member of Organic Torah’s community.
Please go to our membership page now to see the different levels and benefits of membership. Joining Organic Torah as a member can be that small action that you do now that ends up making a big difference in your life: you’ll gain a new perspective that makes Judaism come alive; you’ll start to see past the illusion of separateness that is keeping us from healthy lives and a flourishing society. You’ll start to perceive a new world of connected patterns; and you’ll be doing all this in the context of a new community. Please click here to join Organic Torah.